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About the site

This site is created to teach people willing to learn to create an HTML. Wherein these people can unleash their hidden skills in HTML.


I would like to thank these people, sites that helped me to pursue this website. First, I would like tothank God, who made it possible to make me finish this site. Second, our TLE teacher, Mrs. Jean A. Tropel, who helped us learn these codes. Third, those sites that helped me fix my errors in my codes. Fourth, my classmates, when I had a problem such as uploading this site. Fifth, Adobe Photoshop, who helped me to create the simple banner at the top. Sixth, Notepad, the application where I wrote my codes. Seventh, this site, who made it possible to upload this site. And lastly, our desktop and netbook because without them, it wouldn't have been possible to encode and upload this site.